

Regardless of intended major or academic background, all incoming Yale students need a fundamental grounding in quantitative concepts and skills in order to succeed at Yale. ONEXYS not only prepares students to do well on Yale’s math placement exam in the fall but also introduces them to the academic rigor and methods of quantitative study in college.
This ONEXYS experience is completely online, with all content at your fingertips once the program launches. Additionally, you will be able to access ONEXYS material during your first semester at Yale.


ONEXYS allows students to chart their progress in a risk-free, learning-oriented environment by collecting badges for various accomplishments—there are no grades. A student’s performance on the quizzes and problem sets in ONEXYS will have no impact on their academic standing at Yale, and serves purely as a way to evaluate and improve their preparation for the for-credit courses they will take in the fall.

Video Lectures

Below is a preview of the types of lectures you can expect to encounter throughout the ONEXYS program.



ONEXYS is not only an academic program, but also a social one. Your coach will have group meetings where you can interact with your peers online before you get to campus. ONEXYS participants will have access to their coaches to ask those burning Yale questions before the semester kicks off, and watch videos created by your coaches that you can watch at any time. Some of these videos include the best ‘tips and tricks’ at Yale, or even a “What I wish I knew when I started Yale” discussion by your coaches.